Don't Be Chicken.

Your Voice Matters.

Empowering you with confidence, courage, and a Cockgregation to write and speak your truth.

What Better Time to Rise and Shine!

Happy Cock Church is an online non-religious church where we minister to one another through the holy communion of sharing our stories and speaking our truth. It’s a church where we take time for self reflection through journaling and meditation. It’s a church with an irreverent, reverent minister who encourages you to rise and shine with a refreshing cockTALE aka sermon. Happy Cock Church welcomes all- the faithful and the faithless. Happy Cock church is a place where LOVE RULES THE ROOST.

Hi, I’m Ann Randolph!

Before I ordained myself as a minister, 😁 🐓, I taught storytelling all over the world and performed autobiographical solo shows in theaters across the US. One of my most memorable reviews was from a theater critic at the Washington Post who said, “Randolph is Inappropriate in All the Right Ways.’ This made me so happy because it captures the spirit of my favorite poets Hafiz and Rumi who speak of both deep reverence and wild irreverence – essentially appropriateness and inappropriateness – as Holy.

Alanis Morisette

Singer, Songwriter, Author

Ann Randolph is a multi-tiered invitation and adventure in interiority, grief, healing; and her teaching touches a part of my heart that brings me to my knees…laughing, sometimes crying. Ann is a master teacher."




Every morning I wake up to a big cock.

I live in Kauai where the cocks have flown the coop and run wild outside my bedroom window. When I hear their call, I pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. Sometimes, I imagine Rumi, the Sufi mystic poet, chiding me, saying:

"The Dawn Has Secrets to Tell You"

"Do Not Go Back to Sleep"

"Tell me What You Really Want"

What I really want is to start a church, a non-religious church for the faith and the faithless, the meditators and the masturbators (I fall in all four categories!) A church where we can minister to one another through the holy communion of sharing stories, the reverent and irreverent. A church where we show up weekly for inspiration, guided meditation, and sermons aka free cockTALES!

But, I have one BIG problem, I’m not a minister.

For two years, I’ve heard the calling and pushed it away because if I follow my heart, it means stepping into the unknown and I’m chicken! If I do it, I’m risking failure and possible ridicule for this crazy “calling”? But, the COVID-19 pandemic hits and I can’t resist anymore. I have to RISE and shine! 

And I know you're thinking

"Why the cock, Ann?"

In almost every spiritual tradition, the cock symbolizes awakening from a period of darkness to the light of illumination. Also, I grew up attending an Episcopal church and it reminds me of the Bible passage where Peter denies Jesus three times before the cock crows. This speaks to me because there have been times in my life when I have denied my own truth, my own divinity and that of my neighbor’s divinity.